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NMSU faculty and students attend AGU Fall Meeting 2018


This week is the 2018 Fall Meeting of AGU (American Geophysical Union) in Washington D.C. The NMSU Department of Geological Sciences is well represented at AGU 2018, with several students and faculty presenting their research at this large (25,000+ geoscientists!) international conference. Below are the presentations given by NMSU graduate students, a recent grad, and faculty:

M.S. student Michelle Gavel is presenting her research (advised by Dr. Jeff Amato) in a poster: “Timing of Cenozoic extentsion in the southern Rio Grande Rift and southeastern Basin and Range as determined using low-temperature thermochronology”

M.S. student Michael Reed (advised by Dr. Reed Burgette) is presenting a poster: “Geomorphic and structural mapping in pursuit of a slip rate for the Santa Susana Fault, southern California”

Recent graduate Jascha Coddington (MS ’18) is presenting the results of his MS thesis (advised by Dr. Reed Burgette) in a poster: “Structural evolution of basins in the Tien Shan: the example of the Jumgal basin, Kyrgyzstan”

Assistant professor Dr. Reed Burgette will be giving a talk entitled “Quaternary Slip History of the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California”

Congrats to all!