Department of Geological Sciences Graduate Program


Class Schedule

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Geology Graduate Student Handbook 2024


Graduate Program


For all questions concerning the Graduate Program, please contact the Graduate Advisor, Dr. Frank Ramos, by email.


Please contact your potential advisor directly to ask about projects. See the faculty page for contact information.


Our department offers a MS degree in Geological Sciences. Students are successful in getting jobs with oil companies and in environmental geology, and several have continued into Ph.D. programs at Universities such as Stanford, UCLA, Louisiana State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, the University of Oregon, and Purdue, among others.


NMSU is located in the southern part of the Rio Grande rift, which provides an ideal setting for a wide variety of geologic studies. World-class exposures are ideal for class field trips as well as local MS projects.


Faculty research includes projects throughout New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Alaska, Mexico and Australia. Faculty specialties can be viewed on their individual pages.


Our laboratory facilities include an ICPMS, XRF, TIMS, LIBS, rock saws, a mineral separation lab, and shatterbox for preparing geochemical samples.


The Department of Geological Sciences at New Mexico State University offers graduate study leading to a Master’s degree (MS) in Geological Sciences. We do not have a Ph.D. program.


Admissions and Financial Assistance


Applicants for admission to graduate study in the NMSU Department of Geological Sciences must have a Bachelor’s degree in geology or a closely related field. Admission to the graduate school is based on an evaluation of the student’s potential for satisfactory performance in the graduate program. Assessment is made on the basis of the applicant’s scholastic record, application essay, and letters of recommendation. We do not require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE).


Deadlines for Fall Semester:

Application deadline: February 15 (*Note–if positions remain available after this date, we will accept late applications. Contact the Graduate Advisor.)


Deadlines for Spring Semester

Please contact the Graduate advisor or your prospective advisor before applying to determine if there is a TA opening in the Spring semester.


Link to Graduate School Application

To apply, go to the graduate school web site


Jobs in the Geosciences

This page has information on jobs in the geosciences.