Department of Geological Sciences Undergraduate Program

Learn more about our program, including our faculty, research, lab, and field opportunities, and alum experiences, in this video:

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Options for Majoring in Geological Sciences at NMSU

There are now three different Options for the Bachelor’s of Science in Geology Degree, each with specific class requirements:
(1) Geological Sciences. This is the traditional BS in Geology for those seeking advanced degrees in Geology or employment as a geologist.

(2) Earth and Environmental Systems. This is an option for those interested in a more integrated view of geology with respect to the environment and the relationship between Earth Science and public policy. Calculus and Chemistry are not required.

(3) Earth Science Education. This is an option for those interested in obtaining a teaching degree with an emphasis in Earth Science.


All of these options, including the minor, begin with GEOL 111G, a survey class that satisfies the General Education requirement for a lab science class. You would continue your degree with classes such as Fossils and the Evolution of Life (305V) and Mineralogy (310). Many classes involve field trips to local areas of interest, with optional field trips to places like the Grand Canyon.
Geological Sciences Minor Requirements (Print this PDF form)


Employment in Geological Sciences

Geologists are involved in the exploration, development, and conservation of diminishing, nonrenewable water, energy, and mineral resources. More and more geologists are becoming involved in studies of eliminating geologic hazards (such as flooding, landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions) and in providing methods of disposing of chemical and nuclear waste materials. The reduction of marine erosion in coastal areas, soil conservation techniques, and pollution in soil and water are but a few problems being studied by geologists.

A career in Geology offers great challenges, excellent job opportunities, and personally satisfying rewards. Geoscientists gather and interpret data to understand the Earth and other planets. They use their knowledge to increase our understanding of earth processes and resources to improve the quality of human life. Their work and career paths vary widely because the geosciences cover a broad range of topics including the formation of mountains, the cause of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, climate change, water quality and supply, energy resources, and the evolution of the earth and the life on earth.

The employment outlook in the geosciences – as in any profession – varies with the economic climate of the country. The long-range outlook is good at this time. Dwindling energy, mineral, and water resources along with increasing concerns about the environment and natural hazards present new challenges to geoscientists. Current hot areas of employment in the geosciences include oil and gas exploration, climate change, geohydrology, and environmental geology.

This page has more information on jobs in the geosciences.


Scholarships in the Department of Geological Sciences

All undergraduate majors are eligible for numerous scholarships from endowments and from the New Mexico Geological Society. These range from $100 book scholarships to full tuition scholarships. Talk to any of the Geology Faculty for details.


Opportunities for Undergraduate Research

The Department of Geological Sciences has a program for undergraduate research known as URGE: Undergraduate Research for Geologic Experience. Contact Dr. Eric C. Ferré /

More information on the Geology major can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog