test post
test & post
The Department of Geological Sciences has received a donation of an updated version of the Move structural geology software from Petroleum Experts...
This week is the 2018 Fall Meeting of AGU (American Geophysical Union) in Washington D.C. The NMSU Department of Geological Sciences is well...
Please join us for this week’s colloquium, presented by alum Corey Dimond! All welcome!
Please join us for this week’s colloquium, presented by alum Corey Dimond! All welcome!
Michael Cole Mount will be defending his MS thesis, “Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Analysis of Detrital Tourmaline as an...
MS student Meredith Cole will be defending her thesis, “Evaluating along-arc trends in subduction contributions to the southern Cascades:...
MS student Alicia Bonar will be defending her thesis, “Provenance and sediment dispersal trends from Early Permian (Wolfcampian) non marine...
Dr. Emily Johnson and Dr. Jeff Amato are collaborating with other NMSU faculty in Anthropology, Biology, and Geography on a BLM grant to assess the...
Dr. Hampton’s Nature Communications paper was recently highlighted in the Las Cruces Sun News:...
Several faculty in the Department have NSF-funded research projects, as highlighted in this story from 2017: Geology faculty receive NSF funding