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Eric Ferre

Department Head

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(575) 646-5000
Gardiner Hall Room 155

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I'm Eric Ferré, Geology professor and Head at the Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM since August 2024. I am originally from a small town near Toulouse in southern France. I earned my PhD from Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and proceeded on a post-doctoral position in Glasgow Scotland after. Before joining New Mexico State University, I began my journey at Rhodes University in South Africa, then carried on to the University of Minnesota Minneapolis and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, before joining Southern Illinois University, Carbondale on tenure-track, and finally the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.


Recent article on “Focal mechanism of a Late Triassic large magnitude earthquake along the Longmen Shan fault belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau”


Recent article on "High-Velocity Slip and Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates: Example From the Heart Mountain Slide Ultracataclasites, Wyoming"


Recent article on "Overprinting of the climate signature in Miocene sediments, South China Sea (IODP Expedition 368)"


Recent article on "Kinematics of frictional melts at the base of the world’s largest terrestrial landslide: Markagunt gravity slide, southwest Utah, United States"